Ride of the falling leaves - Richmond Park

Drawing the curtains back on Friday morning, there was no doubt that autumn had arrived! So, as we gathered in Richmond Park for our final flurry of the BDOVELO season, we found that the morning mist had descended.

There’s a bonus on a misty day, and a bike ride through the Park transforms into a magical experience as the mist wraps around the trees, creating an ethereal atmosphere. The familiar roads, now traffic free, seemed mysterious, with the silhouettes of ancient oaks and the soft rustle of leaves echoing in the still air.  Only the sound of rubber on tarmac and convivial BDOVELO chatter interrupted nature's soundtrack. 

The visibility into the woodlands was limited, but only added to the sense of adventure. The peloton (well actually 2 pelotons) enjoyed a sense of isolation and tranquillity as the world faded into shades of grey and green. The damp air was cool, yet invigorating; fingers tingled as riders regretted not bringing full gloves.

Since Richmond Park was first enclosed as a royal hunting park by King Charles I in 1637, herds of deer have roamed free.  Like beasts on the open prairies, we enjoyed displays from the mighty stags as they protected their herds.  Richmond Park is indeed a special place and on a Friday morning, with the less fortunate at their desks, we were delighted to welcome a peloton of 20 riders to a quiet and tranquil park.  The peloton included a number of new riders and with a healthy gender balance (almost 50:50) the Richmond Park rides appear to be proving a real success.  With Natalie, mixing up the routes there was no sense of repetitive loops and for those unfamiliar with some of the Park's landmarks it was also an informative ride.

We finished at the Colicci Cafe after 40+km of riding: cake, sausage rolls and cappuccino put even bigger smiles on the riders' faces.

A small collection of photos can be found at here

We look forward to seeing you at the Pinarello Store on 28th November for our BDOVELO Season Finale and beyond into 2025.