Social Ride (Richmond Park) - 21 March
Date: Friday 21st March
Time: 09:30 AM - 12:30 PM
Cost: £10
Location: Roehampton Gate Car Park, Richmond Park
Booking link:
With low traffic roads, it's the perfect venue to network on the bike, and you can be back at your desk by lunchtime.
An 11km lap of Richmond Park takes in the perimeter of the historic royal hunting ground, but there are plenty of opportunities to mix things up within the park. We'll be riding in groups of up to eight for around 90 minutes with plenty of opportunity to switch groups before heading to the cafe for refreshments and further networking.
The cost is just £10 to register - a contribution to coffee, cake and the support vehicle - so this is another great opportunity to come and meet the BDOVELO group and introduce yourself, invite your key contacts, and hopefully meet and connect with new contacts who you could do business with in the future.