A Sunny Springtime Richmond Ride Out

Clear blue skies and wall to wall sunshine greeted us for our first introductory ride of the year last Friday at Richmond Park. With over 30 riders signed up, we were delighted to see so many new faces join us for the first time. 

Three groups headed out of the park for a ride out through Bushy Park and along the River Thames to the picturesque Shepperton Lock. A fourth group stayed in Richmond Park, making use of the quiet undulating roads around the former royal hunting ground.  

Post ride, we all met back at Colicci Café in Richmond Park for coffee and cake. Basking in the sunshine, plenty of networking could be heard, catching up with old contacts and forging new ones. 

A perfect day for a BDOVELO social ride and we hope to see many of you back again in June, for our evening event at VIA Atelier on Thursday 6th June and our fully supported ride from Aldenham Golf Club (north London) on Wednesday 19th June.