Christopher Beveridge
For most organisations, data is regarded as the key asset, in particular the personal information of clients and customers that drives much of sales and marketing activity. It is also data that carries the greatest risk. Organisations must ensure that any and all personal information processed is effectively managed through the entire information management lifecycle; from data collection through to final disposal.
To comply with privacy and data protection regulations like the UK Data Protection Act 2018 (UK GDPR) and the EU General Data Protection Regulation, as well as other global privacy and data protection obligations, you will need to invest in data protection strategies. You will need to define your data protection policies and determine the controls to protect personal information.
How your business operates and how it uses personal information are the starting points for how we will work with you. You will discover that we invest the time to understand your whole business, the multiple purposes and uses of personal information as well as how that data is managed throughout the organisation.
You will benefit from our broad range of skills and expertise including information cyber security, information lifecycle management and data analytics. We also have extensive experience across governance, operations, technology, compliance, and risk management, enabling us to focus on immediate privacy and data protection concerns while maintaining operational readiness.
Christopher Beveridge