GDPR, Privacy & Data protection services

GDPR, Privacy & Data protection services

Since the implementation of the GDPR in May 2018, privacy and data protection have become significant business risks. Your organisation must comply with the UK and EU GDPR but also stay on top of other global regulatory requirements if there is a global exposure in order to effectively protect the privacy and data of staff, clients and others or face both financial sanctions and reputational damage.

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Data protection needs be on the agenda of your board and you need to develop and maintain a strong data protection and control environment across your entire organisation. This will require both a culture of compliance and a strong data governance framework. It cannot rely on one or two individuals.

How our GDPR, Privacy & Data Protection service team can help

You can obtain all the advice, guidance and support you need to comply with privacy and data protection regulations by working with our Privacy and Data Protection team. Wherever you are operating in the world and no matter how weak or strong your data protection control environment is, we will identify and mitigate the data protection risks that your business is exposed to.

You can also work with us to develop a well-governed and effective data protection program that is always compliant with the latest data protection legislation. We offer a range of services designed to meet your needs and help you achieve your key outcomes.

A global advisor and resource

The combination of technical skills and extensive regulatory knowledge within our international network will help you ensure consistent, reliable and continuous adherence to privacy and data protection requirements in every jurisdiction.

Data Governance

Helping your organisation implement data governance practices that improve data availability, integrity and reliability and facilitate compliance.

Data Strategy and Compliance

Designing a strategy so that your organisation can improve data management practices to ensure data protection and compliance.

Privacy and Data Protection

Implementing your data protection strategy to manage data protection throughout your organisation including DPO support services, managed data protection services and compliance.

Data Protection Managed Services

Use our global privacy and data protection solutions, including our outsourced Data Protection Officer (DPO) or Data Compliance Officer (DCO) service, as a cost-effective solution to ensuring compliance and effective data protection.

ROBUS Data Governance software

You can effectively support your data governance and compliance by using ROBUS, our proprietary data protection compliance management software.


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