Doing Business in the UK

Our team of experts can guide you through the challenges of setting up and expanding a business in the UK.

Doing Business in the UK

Are you expanding into the UK? Are you starting a new business in the UK? Or planning to expand your UK presence?

Guidance by experts

Setting up and expanding a business in the UK can be complex and demanding, but our team of experts can guide you through the challenges. We provide companies with a range of accounting, tax and compliance and advisory services to support their growth and changing requirements within the UK and internationally, enabling our clients turn challenges into opportunity.

As your business expands and your needs change, we also offer a coordinated service for your international accounting and compliance requirements, providing you with a globally consistent approach and central control. We continue to support your accounting needs across the globe through a dedicated team based in the UK under a single UK contact.

For investors building operations in the UK, we can provide the advice needed to make the right decisions as well as practical hands on support.

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Business in the UK – A road map

Why we are the right partner for you:

  • We pride ourselves on delivering exceptional client service, through strong and personal relationships while delivering a service tailored to you.
  • As part of the BDO International network, we have access to over 95,000 passionate specialists in over 160 countries worldwide – which means wherever you want to grow, we can guide you.
  • As a full service international accountancy firm, we are your one stop shop for all tax, accounting and advisory support, ensuring full coordination and compliance across borders
  • We deliver robust and independent audit reviews to inspire confidence for investors, shareholders and all stakeholders.
  • Our sector-led approach means we provide you with the genuine expertise in what matters to you.

Doing business in the UK from:

Doing business in the UK from China and ASEAN countries

Our business services and outsourcing team’s bilingual specialists are the first point of contact for clients from China and the ASEAN countries. 

In our business services & outsourcing department, we can support you with a wide range of set-up support services and fully outsourced accounting services ranging from bookkeeping to reporting, and to technical and strategic advice. We support you with company formation, accounting, financial reporting, payroll and VAT returns.

Our China Advisory Services provide distinct services in the market including a wide variety of tax advisory services.

With a deep understanding of Chinese business culture, we work with overseas companies to achieve their ambition for internationalisation to the UK market. Our services are partner-led and tailored for your specific needs. We take time to understand you. We believe the better we get to know you the more we will understand how you like to work and the more we can help you.



Doing business in the UK from France

We have experience in supporting French companies of different sizes and in different industries with their business in the UK. 

Whether you are an ambitious entrepreneurial software company and plan your first international expansion, a mid-market engineering company who sells and installs machinery in the UK or a large corporate real estate investor who holds or plans investments in UK property, BDO is your global expansion partner.

We can support you with a wide range of different services ranging from international tax compliance, payroll and expatriate taxes to fully outsourced accountancy back-office functions becoming an extension of your team. We are proactively advising you and offer solutions and insights to help you grow your venture and take your business from strength to strength. 

Get in touch today to help us identify your specific needs and create a customised proposal for you.  


Nous avons une grande expérience dans l’accompagnement des entreprises françaises de différentes tailles et opérant dans différents secteurs avec leurs activités au Royaume-Uni.

Que vous soyez une entreprise de technologie entrepreneuriale et ambitieuse et planifiez votre première expansion internationale, une entreprise d'ingénierie de taille moyenne qui vend et installe des machines au Royaume-Uni ou un grand investisseur qui tient ou prévoit des investissements dans l'immobilier au Royaume-Uni, BDO est votre partenaire et vous assiste avec votre expansion mondiale.

Nous pouvons vous aider avec une large gamme de services allant de la conformité fiscale internationale, de la paie et des impôts des expatriés jusqu’ aux fonctions de back-office de comptabilité entièrement externalisées devenant une extension de votre équipe. Nous vous conseillons de manière proactive et vous proposons des solutions et des idées pour vous aider à développer à faire progresser votre entreprise.

Contactez-nous afin d’identifier vos besoins spécifiques et créer une offre personnalisée pour votre entreprise.


Doing business in the UK from Germany / Austria / Switzerland

We have experience in supporting companies from German speaking countries of different sizes and in different industries with their business in the UK. 

Whether you are an ambitious entrepreneurial software company and plan your first international expansion, a mid-market engineering company that sells and installs machinery in the UK or a large corporate real estate investor that holds or plans investments in UK property, BDO is your global expansion partner.

We can support you with a wide range of different services ranging from international tax compliance, payroll and expatriate taxes to fully outsourced accountancy back-office functions becoming an extension of your team. We are proactively advising you and offer solutions and insights to help you grow your venture and take your business from strength to strength. 

Get in touch today to help us identify your specific needs and create a customised proposal for you. 


Wir haben sehr viel Erfahrung damit, Firmen verschiedener Größen und in verschiedenen Sektoren aus deutsch sprachigen Ländern mit Ihren Geschäften im Vereinigtem Königreich zu unterstützen. Ob Sie ein ehrgeiziges Software Startup Unternehmen sind und vielleicht das erste Mal ins Ausland expandieren, oder ob Sie ein Mittelständler sind, der Maschinen ins Vereinigte Königreich verkauft und vor Ort installiert oder ob Sie ein Großkonzern sind, der hier in Immobilien investiert, wir sind Ihr Partner für Ihre Expansion.  

Wir können Sie mit einer breiten Palette an Dienstleistungen unterstützen, von Steuerberatung, Lohnsteuer und Entsendung von Mitarbeitern bis hin zur kompletten Buchhaltung, wo wir Ihre Aufgaben aus dem Back Office zuverlässig übernehmen und eine Ergänzung zu Ihrem Team werden. Wir beraten Sie proaktiv und bieten Lösungen und Einblicke, die Ihnen helfen, Mehrwert für Ihr Unternehmen zu schaffen. 

Kontaktieren Sie uns noch heute, sodass wir Ihre genauen Bedürfnisse verstehen können und ein darauf zugeschnittenes Angebot ausarbeiten können.  


Doing business in the UK from India

We have experience in supporting Indian companies of different sizes and in different industries with their business in the UK. 

We can support you with a wide range of different services ranging from international tax compliance, payroll and expatriate taxes to fully outsourced accountancy back-office functions becoming an extension of your team. We are proactively advising you and offer solutions and insights to help you grow your venture and take your business from strength to strength. 

Get in touch today to help us identify your specific needs and create a customised proposal for you.


Doing business in the UK from USA and Canada

We have experience in supporting US / Canadian companies of different sizes and in different industries with their business in the UK. 

We can support you with a wide range of different services ranging from international tax compliance, payroll and expatriate taxes to fully outsourced accountancy back-office functions becoming an extension of your team. We are proactively advising you and offer solutions and insights to help you grow your venture and take your business from strength to strength. 

Get in touch today to help us identify your specific needs and create a customised proposal for you. 


We operate a series of 'Country Desks' comprising professionals who possess insight and practical experience in specific territories. Desk members have extensive technical and practical expertise in assisting clients structuring and establishing business within the UK.



Key Contacts

Ian McBane

Ian McBane

National Head of Technology, Media & Telecoms
View bio
Mark Lamb Partner BDO

Mark Lamb

Head of Advisory, Business Services & Outsourcing
View bio

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