Mark Spencer
In the UK, the FCA have announced a transition away from the London InterBank Offered Rate (LIBOR) to the Sterling OverNight Index Average (SONIA). By the end of 2021, the FCA will no longer seek to persuade, or compel, banks to submit to LIBOR. Interest Rate Benchmark Reform will impact entities reporting under IFRS and UK GAAP.
Companies that report under IFRS and UK GAAP and have applied hedge accounting for IBOR-related hedges, such as hedges of loans, bonds and borrowings with instruments such as interest rate swaps, interest rate options, forward rate agreements and cross-currency swaps will be affected by the Reform.
The Reform may also impact classification and measurement, fair value measurement and other accounting estimates where IBOR is a contractual term or is used as a component of the discount rate in determining that estimate.
We can help you with your transition from IBOR. We will walk you through the Reform from an accounting and financial reporting perspective. This includes;
Please get in touch with us to discuss how we can help or download our IBOR Reform brochure which sets out the status of IBOR Reform, the main areas where IBOR Reform may impact your business and your BDO contacts on IBOR Reform.
1. The impact will be on the prevalent IBOR-based products such as LIBOR or EURIBOR linked loans, bonds and interest rate swaps.
2. Interest Rate Benchmark Reform has several potentially significant implications that can be categorised as:
3. The amendments issued by the IASB (Interest Rate Benchmark Reform (Amendments to IFRS 9, IAS 39 and IFRS 7) and proposals outlined in FRC’s FRED 72 provide relief on specific aspects of pre-replacement issues that impact hedge accounting.
Entities applying hedge accounting requirements will be able to assume that the interest rate benchmark on which the hedged cash flows and cash flows of the hedging instrument are based are not altered as a result of Interest Rate Benchmark Reform.
The amendments do not provide relief from any other consequences arising from Interest Rate Benchmark Reform. Also, if a hedge accounting relationship no longer meets the requirements for hedge accounting for reasons other than those specified by these (proposed) amendments, then discontinuation of hedge accounting is still required.
4. Interest Rate Benchmark Reform may be of particular concern or relevance to other aspects of your business’s accounting and financial reporting. For example, it may impact the estimation of pension liabilities for defined benefit obligations (under IAS 19 and Section 28 of FRS 102), incremental borrowing rates used in estimating lease liabilities (IFRS 16) and discount rates used in estimating value in use for goodwill impairment assessments (IAS 36 and Section 27 of FRS 102).
The following articles and publications provide useful information and advice on IBOR Reform and its key features.
Mark Spencer