The EU has made a major policy change starting on 1 January 2025 that will have an impact on UK and other non-EU suppliers to EU consumers. The place of supply for VAT purposes will change to the place where the consumer resides for virtual events such as cultural, sporting or scientific events and online courses in the EU. At present, such services are generally taxed where the supplier is based.
VAT will be due at the applicable VAT rate in the member state of the recipient, with the option to use the special EU scheme called the One Stop Shop (OSS) to declare VAT for all 27 member states, as opposed to being registered in each relevant member state. There are no registration thresholds.
There is no change in respect of supplies to business customers with VAT being due in the place where the business customer is based, with the customer generally applying a ‘reverse charge’ adjustment.
Possible UK double taxation and no taxation issues
There is currently a risk of double taxation where UK businesses will have a UK supply under UK rules and a supply in the EU. There is a similar risk of no taxation where EU businesses make supplies to UK consumers, where no EU tax will apply and there are no current UK rules to apply VAT. HMRC have been alerted to this situation but there have, to date, been no changes to the UK law.
UK businesses need to urgently consider their position, review price lists and terms and conditions, plus check whether the OSS or a VAT registration is appropriate. Our article on new VAT rules for online entertainment has more information.