Stefan Beyers

Stefan Beyers

Partner, Financial Services

Financial Services

Executive summary

Stefan is a Financial Services audit partner with extensive experience in leading multiple audits and advisory assignments for financial services clients, including corporate and investment banks, institutional stockbrokers, broker-dealers and treasuries. He understands traded financial instruments, risk management, critical financial controls, infrastructure requirements, operational, and other risks relevant to financial functions of large financial services and corporate clients. 

  • 19 years of experience in the external audits of Corporate, Wholesale and Investment Banks.
  • IFRS 9 implementation and optimisation
  • Global coordination, management and delivery of multi-jurisdictional audit and control assurance engagements in the banking industry
  • Directing and managing the transition of new audit clients
  • Auditing of listed clients reporting in terms of IFRS
  • ISAE3402 control assurance engagements.