Sarah Applegate

Sarah Applegate

Audit Partner

Executive summary

I am an audit partner in the BDO Bristol office and head of professional services in the South West.

I work with companies and partnerships to lead their audit, ensuring a robust, engaged process. I love learning about what businesses do and how they succeed in their market. As well as my specialism in professional services I work with a number of AIM listed companies working to tight deadlines often with complex accounting issues.

To work effectively I lead a great team of talented auditors as local head of audit for Bristol. This role has taught me the importance of understanding, supporting and motivating every person you work with if you want to achieve success and high quality.

As an auditor for over 20 years I have a huge wealth of experience across a range of sectors as well as significant international experience. Outside of work I love running and gardening as both give me the time to switch off and recharge. I also love live music and am always on the hunt for more tickets to great gigs.