Martin Dunn

Martin Dunn


Forensic Accounting Services

Executive summary

Martin worked in BDO's audit department for 10 years, providing him with a strong commercial and technical background covering a number of sectors and industries. His audits included plcs, international groups, and large owner managed businesses, in industries such as retail, construction, manufacturing, computer software and hotels.

In 2006 he joined the forensic accounting team while also maintaining ongoing responsibilities for some of the firm’s largest audits for a number of years.

Since joining the forensic accounting team Martin has worked primarily on audit negligence matters, involving companies in a variety of industries and jurisdictions.

He has experience of large civil claims as well as regulatory proceedings and has supported internal and external expert witnesses in audit negligence cases.

Martin is regularly consulted on live audits and has presented to our audit stream on risk management and audit issues. He has responsibility for BDO's regulatory enforcement matters.