Kaley Crossthwaite

Kaley Crossthwaite

Partner, Head of Quality and Risk Management

Forensic Accounting Services


Executive summary

Kaley joined the Leadership Team on 2 July 2022, after spending the last three years as Head of BDO’s Forensic and Valuation Services (FAVS), leading a national team of almost 200 people. She has been with the firm for more than 20 years, joining as manager and being promoted to partner in 2008.

Kaley’s remit within the Leadership Team is to strengthen BDO’s continued focus on quality and risk management.

Kaley is a chartered accountant and spent her career specialising as a forensic accountant specialising in fraud investigations with a strong interest in and knowledge of technology used as part of investigations – particularly the use of e-disclosure within litigation proceedings. Throughout her career, Kaley has led large investigations both in the public and private sector and acted as Secretary to the Companies Act investigation into the collapse of MG Rover and related companies.  She specialises in internal investigations, shadow investigations and fraud and corruption prevention.

Kaley has a regulatory background having spent 18 months on secondment to Companies Investigations Branch at the DTI, being appointed several times as an Inspector to investigate insider dealing. She has liaised with and worked alongside government and regulatory bodies including the SFO, FSA, Ministry of Justice and various police forces. She has led investigations in many sectors including pharmaceuticals and healthcare, construction, automotive, media, shipping and logistics.

Kaley also publishes the BDO FraudTrack report twice a year which highlights trends in reported fraud.  She is also a regular contributor to other journals and press publications and leads on BDO’s Business Trends publication.

Kaley is ranked for her work within a number of Who’s Who Legal Guides to experts within a range of fields, including Who’s Who Legal Asset Recovery: Experts. She has received praise from the directory including:

Kaley is “a star” with considerable proficiency in fraud and regulatory investigations

‘Kaley Crossthwaite is a high-quality expert in forensic accounting matters, including internal investigations.”

Who’s Who Legal Profile WWL Says “Kaley Crossthwaite draws widespread praise from the market in recognition of her immense expertise in internal investigations, fraud and corruption prevention in the public and private sector”.