Ian Bowden

Ian Bowden

Partner, Tax Automation and Innovation

Tax Automation & Innovation Services

Executive summary

Tax Technology is critical in helping organisations be as effective as they can be.

I lead BDO's Tax Automation and Innovation specialist practice here in the UK, and sit on our Global Leadership team in this area. We help clients optimise their tax operation, by using technology more effectively and we provide insights into the art of the possible. Helping you maximise your existing investments, helping you select and implement the right 3rd party solutions and by helping you do more with targeted automation.

Finance and tax functions will be acutely aware of the ever-increasing pressure to stay on top of legislative change and the need to embed change management into every aspect of day-to-day work. There is no prospect of regulatory pressures reducing or becoming less complex that is why our team was established to help you get it right.

I am passionate about fixing things. I love a challenge, which is why tax technology has been home for nearly 25 years. Where else can a ‘technologist’ make a real difference and help clients fix real business issues.

In a nutshell, I solve complex tax problems with technology. Simple right? We all have areas of our day jobs which could be better, ‘there has to be a better way?’

I help clients in three ways:

  1. I help you make the most of what you have. Can existing systems work better for you in tax?
  2. I know the tax technology market, which includes established brands but also new disruptive technology solutions. I help explain what is out there, what could work for you, as well as helping you design and implement the right solutions
  3. If there are still gaps, I innovate. We build solutions to plug gaps

Growing up in the North East and dreaming of being a professional sportsman ingrained in me a sense of honesty and integrity, but also the fact you have to have fun in what you do. Those core values I carry through to my work, throw in the importance of teams and that is me.

I have the ability to present complex IT technical areas in a straightforward and easy to understand manner. Being able to translate the technology for tax people and tax for technology people is what I do. I’m here to help. I love switching on light bulbs with people. There has to be a better way right?