Daniel Bower

Daniel Bower

Partner, National Internal Audit Lead

Risk Advisory Services


Executive summary

I lead BDO's Risk Advisory Services practice in the North of England.

I work with a diverse range of people and organisations to provide internal audit, assurance and consultancy services. My primary focus is to help our clients succeed and manage their risks effectively. In doing so, I help businesses have well designed arrangements for governance, risk management and internal control that are fit for purpose and operating in a way that meets the needs of all involved. At a time of significant uncertainty, I help people to have confidence in their data, their ways of working and the decisions they make.

I oversee the delivery of a broad range of services including:

  • Providing fully outsourced and co-sourced internal audit services
  • Supporting organisations in responding to the corporate governance reforms
  • Risk management training and facilitation workshops including risk determination, risk appetite and risk assurance mapping
  • Assessing the adequacy of assurance over key risks and helping organisations to develop their own risk assurance maps
  • Helping organisations to implement enterprise risk management frameworks
  • External Quality Assessments (EQA) over the effectiveness of in-house Internal Audit functions
  • Audit Committee and Board effectiveness observations
  • Documenting and appraising processes and controls including process re-engineering
  • Project plan appraisals and programme assurance
  • Anti-fraud advice and fraud risk assessments
  • Business Continuity Management Framework assessments and implementation advice
  • Cyber Security
  • Third Party Assurance
  • Data Analytics
  • Advice on regulatory reporting and compliance management frameworks.

I work with clients from across a number of sectors, including: Retail, Manufacturing, Technology, Engineering, Construction, Life Sciences, Public Sector and the Third Sector.

Outside of work, family life and down time are incredibly important. A typical week will include running, table tennis, chess and a family film night! I'm also a school governor and act as a trustee for a local charity.