Not for Profit

Specialist not-for-profit accounting and business advisory services from local and international experts.

Not for Profit

Dedicated specialists in Charities, Education and Social Housing

Our dedicated Not for Profit team are experts in delivering services to the education, social housing, charity and membership body sectors. We can provide you with a full range of internal and external audit, tax, corporate finance, business restructuring and advisory services, and we work with a growing number of the UK’s largest brand name Not For Profit organisations.

Built upon extensive working relationships with the Department for Education and The Charity Commission, among others, we have unique situational experience to deliver solutions to complex and high-profile matters. The strength of the BDO international Not for Profit network also enables us to bring you coordinated services uniquely tailored to global operations.

Accounting for Not For Profit organisations

We are one of the largest specialist Not for Profit teams in the accounting profession. We offer unrivalled service, and deliver the highest standards of audit quality and technical accounting expertise with a focus on identifying pragmatic solutions to challenging issues. We regularly share the benefit of this breadth of expertise with audited entities and clients.

Not For Profit Training Courses

We offer a range of training programmes for Not For Profit organisations, from comprehensive training seminars for Board members, senior executives and finance professionals working across the sector, to staff training on compliance and gift aid.

Find out more about our training courses

Our team across the country is always up to date with the changes in the regulatory environment and tax issues affecting the sector. If your organisation is facing challenges from changing regulation, economic or governance issues, or is growing and needs advice on next steps, we put our expertise at your disposal.

Get in touch with our Not For Profit specialists.

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Key Contacts

Jill Halford

Jill Halford

National Head of Not for Profit (NFP)
View bio
Fiona Condron

Fiona Condron

National Head of Charities
View bio
James Aston

James Aston, MBE

National Head of Education
View bio
Hamid Ghafoor

Hamid Ghafoor

Partner and National Head of Housing
View bio

Contact us