Annual Biopharma Review 2024

Trends in drugs development and innovation

It’s both in with the old, and in with the new, but commercialisation remains king

The pharmaceutical landscape is evolving rapidly, and staying ahead requires a deep understanding of the current trends and challenges. Our comprehensive report provides a critical analysis of the drug development industry, focusing on the health of pipelines, the strategic focus of biotechs and pharmacos, and the capacity of regulators like the FDA to manage the influx of novel therapies.

Key Highlights from our Annual Biopharma Review:
  • Robust Pipelines and Market Opportunities: We reveal that commercial clinical trials (CTs) have rebounded to exceed pre-pandemic levels, indicating strong pipelines and expanding opportunities for outsourced services in the biotech and pharmaceutical sectors.
  • The Rise of Biologics: Our findings show a significant increase in clinical trials for biologics, outpacing the growth of small molecule drugs. This shift underscores the growing complexity of drug development and the heightened need for specialized scientific expertise.
  • Regulatory Challenges and Innovations: With a surge in drug and manufacturing complexities, regulatory workloads have also intensified. The year 2023 marked a record in FDA submissions and advisory committees, culminating in the highest number of novel drug approvals in a decade, signalling a wave of innovation.

We've analysed global commercial CTs over a ten-year period (2013-2023), focusing on phases I to III, to provide you with a clear picture of the industry's trajectory.

By downloading our report, you'll gain access to strategic insights on:
  • The commercialisation challenges and opportunities for antibody-drug conjugates (ADCs) and cell & gene therapies (C&GTs).
  • The potential for strategic partnerships and innovative pricing models to address market hurdles.
  • The increasing investor confidence in antibody-drug conjugates and the record-level approvals of cell & gene therapies, including breakthrough technologies like CRISPR.

Whether you're a biotech, pharmaco, investor, or industry advisor, our report is an invaluable resource for understanding the dynamics of drug development and preparing for the future.

For further information, reach out to Anand Ashok or James Day.