The Scale-up: Business Lens Guidebook

The Scale-up: Business Lens Guidebook

Are you confident that your business strategy will drive growth? Strategic planning can make or break the growth and success of your business. Failing to develop a strategy that’s informed by data and insights or not planning beyond 12 months can have serious consequences. Not only can this leave you blind-sided and unprepared to tackle major barriers, it could also leave your business vulnerable to competition and threaten your long-term growth potential.

Turning your vision for your business into a meaningful plan or business strategy can be challenging. You are probably focused on external factors such as markets and developing the right products or services. You may not feel that you have the time to slow down and objectively look across all the areas of the business. Business planning can therefore be hard and feel unusually inward looking.

Using this helpful and comprehensive guidebook, you will learn about the importance of taking a data-led approach to assessing business performance and identifying key barriers to growth. The guidebook provides you with practical recommendations and examples of best practice to help you overcome the key challenges to business planning and strategy.


A focus on using robust data and evidence to build and deliver your business strategy will set you up for sustained success. It will help you plan further ahead and ensure that every stakeholder has confidence in the business strategy and that it can be implemented.

How we can help you deliver business growth

If you prefer to take expert advice on your business strategy, the relative strengths and weaknesses of your business or how to overcome the obstacles to sustainable growth, you can talk to your local BDO team. We will listen to the opportunities and challenges you and your business is facing before helping you develop a strategy for sustained growth.

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Business Lens

The guidebook will introduce you to the Business Lens methodology to get an accurate and holistic understanding of how you are performing across seven core areas that affect business growth. The Business Lens challenges you to examine critically whether your operations are properly set up to drive business growth and identify areas for improvement.

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Sharpening your focus on people, place and productivity

Entrepreneurs tend to focus on the market-facing aspects of business, winning new customers and entering new markets. However, if you want to secure investment, be a resilient business and deliver sustainable growth, you have to look to the long-term health of the business too. You will find out about:

  • making the connection between people and processes
  • redefining place in an era of hybrid and remote-first working
  • how efficient processes improve product delivery and customer satisfaction

Designing management processes to improve productivity

You will learn how to: 

  • how to monitor operational costs to keep the business running smoothly
  • embed an agile risk management strategy
  • use risk management practices to support sustainable growth

Joining the dots between purpose, performance and profit

You find out about: 

  • fuelling performance and profit by including purpose in everything you do
  • understanding your market and how it is changing
  • improving the financial management of your business
  • harnessing external advice from peers, non-executive directors and advisors

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