Public Sector Consulting

Business advice and strategy from expert, public sector consultants.

Public Sector Consulting

Our work focuses on the challenges facing the whole health economy of an area, the integration of health and social care services and the linkages to the Government’s devolution agenda. We work with clients from central and local government and all areas of the NHS (Acute Trusts, Foundation Trusts, Clinical Commissioning Groups (CCGs), NHS England, NHS Improvement and regulatory bodies).

Some of the core services we provide for these clients include:

  • Strategy development and implementation
  • Option appraisal and business case development
  • Financial performance improvement and cost reduction
  • Strengthening governance and internal controls
  • Leadership/Board governance development
  • Costing, benchmarking and service prioritisation
  • Supporting complex procurement
  • Financial and commercial advice on major capital projects and programmes, including PPP, PFI, joint ventures and Strategic Estates partnerships
  • Commercialisation, including income generation and trading companies
  • Due diligence

Our Public Sector Consulting team

Our Public Sector Consulting team is a national practice working with clients across the health, local government and social care sector on a variety of critical projects. Our work assists clients facing significant challenges to transform their organisations and the services that they deliver, achieving a step change in both operational and financial performance.

Our clients tell us they like working with us due to our fresh and challenging perspective, our genuine understanding of the issues facing public sector clients and our approach to working hand in hand with internal teams to build skills and capacity within our clients’ organisations.

Our team members are all sector specialists as well as having relevant professional and technical qualifications. Many have held roles in the public sector before joining BDO. Our core team includes energetic and experienced professionals with NHS and Local Government backgrounds in operational management, finance, procurement, policy development, clinical practice or elected public office.

We have access to over 3000 professionals within BDO who provide specialist input on tax, forensic accounting, valuations, corporate finance and other financial disciplines. The extensive BDO International Network allows us to bring experience of and expertise in service delivery models in a wide range of countries worldwide.

When our clients require, we also call upon our associate and partner network to provide subject matter expertise from, for example, leading academics, health strategists, behavioural scientists, health planners, local government specialists, estates experts and technical and legal advisers.

Our services can be accessed through a number of leading frameworks, including Management Consultancy (RM3745, RM3719), Health Trust Europe, NHS Lead Provider Framework (as part of the eMBED Health Consortium), NHS SBS and ESPO.

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