Sale of Lambert Automation Limited to Mpac Group plc

Deal typeM&A
IndustryHealthcare & Manufacturing

BDO LLP has advised the shareholders of Lambert Engineering Limited on the sale of the business to Mpac Group plc.

Founded in 1973, Lambert is a provider of technology leading automation solutions to the medical and consumer healthcare markets and is based in Tadcaster, Yorkshire. Now employing more than 160 people, the business has established itself as a global leader in cutting-edge automation processes and transformational technologies.

The acquisition supports Mpac’s strategy of being a market leader in the provision of full-line packaging solutions for the pharmaceutical, healthcare and food and beverage sectors. Lambert will enable Mpac to engage earlier in clients’ investment cycles and offer a more comprehensive range of automation & packaging solutions to its customers and allows the business to enter the medical and healthcare product assembly and packaging market, fulfilling the expected increase in demand for wellness products.

"I would like to thank the BDO M&A team for advising the Lambert Automation Ltd shareholders on this deal.  BDO demonstrated a tremendous knowledge base of our industry and delivered an outstanding professional service throughout the process.  The management and control of the process has been exceptional with the stakeholder timeline expectations being delivered to the exact date targeted."

Warren Limbert, Managing Director, Lambert Automation Ltd