Investment by ECI in Send for Help Group

Deal typePrivate Equity & Transaction Services
IndustryBusiness Services & Technology & Media
Client nameSend for Help Limited

BDO undertook vendor due diligence for Send for Help in connection with the investment by ECI Partners.

Send For Help operates three subsidiary brands, Skyguard, Peoplesafe and Guardian 24, providing a lone worker protection service that allows end users to request help at the touch of a button at any time.

 Send for Help protects more than 150,000 lone workers in the UK and Ireland with its personal safety devices and mobile phone apps, all linked to a 24-hour staffed control centre.

"BDO’s support throughout the sale process was invaluable in providing us with detailed insight and understanding of the key value drivers. They communicated key issues and findings to us as they arose and were committed to ensuring a successful outcome."

Lisa Hunter, Finance Director, Send for Help Group

"We enjoyed working with the close knit senior management team at Send for Help and are delighted that they have secured investment from ECI Partners to continue the development of the business."

Jeff Harris, Transaction Services Partner