Equity fundraise by Supermarket Income REIT plc

Deal typeCapital Markets & Transaction Services
IndustryReal Estate
Client nameSupermarket Income REIT plc

Supermarket Income REIT invests in supermarket real estate with long, RPI-linked leases with the aim of providing investors with a long-term and secure income stream.

In March 2021, it raised £153 million in an upscaled and oversubscribed further issuance under its existing placing programme.  The proceeds will be invested in a pipeline of further supermarket assets.  This follows the £200m placing completed in October 2020 when the current placing programme was established and is the sixth placing by the company since its IPO in 2017.  

BDO acted as reporting accountant in respect of the supplementary prospectus for this fundraise and on all of the company's previous placings.