Acquisition of Clipper teas by Royal Wessanen nv

Deal typeTransaction Services

Our London Transaction Services team provided financial, tax and IT due diligence services to Royal Wessanen nv, in respect of its acquisition of Clipper Teas Holdings Limited, the UK's leading brand of Fairtrade and Organic teas and other hot beverages. Royal Wessanen nv, based in the Netherlands and listed on Euronext Amsterdam, is a leading company in the European organic food market. It generated revenue of €706 million and employed approximately 2,000 people in 2011. Operating primarily in France, Benelux, the UK and Germany, Wessanen manages and develops brands and products in the grocery and health food channels.    

“BDO provided Wessanen with invaluable support throughout this accelerated transaction process. Their regular, clear updates enabled us to identify and address issues in a timely manner, and the team was accessible and highly responsive.”     

Fred Alkemade, Executive Vice President, Strategy, M&A and Sourcing, Wessanen.