Acquisition of Audix LLC by Vitec Group plc

Deal typeCapital Markets & Transaction Services
IndustryManufacturing & Retail & Consumer & Technology & Media
Sub-industryMedia and entertainment & Retail
Client nameVitec Group Plc

BDO has provided financial due diligence on the acquisition of Audix LLC by Vitec Group plc.

"The BDO UK transaction team has done an excellent job! Not only in terms of the quality of their work, but also in their general flexibility and adaptability throughout the acquisition process. The combination of high quality deliverables, highly skilled people and competitive rates mean that we look forward to working with them in the future again."

Andrea Andreatta, Group Development Manager, The Vitec Group plc

"This was our first opportunity to work with Vitec on one of their acquisitions.  We enjoyed working collaboratively with the Vitec team, which covered all aspects of the business and took an active part in every step of the process."

Jeff Harris, Transaction Services Partner, BDO LLP