BDO provided debt advisory services in support of Connection Capital's acquisition of Cargostore Worldwide Trading Ltd

Sub-industryTransport & Logistics

Cargostore is a leading supplier of DNV 2.7-1 and ISO certified cargo carrying units globally. It provides rental and buying solutions to service the offshore wind, oil & gas and stability & aid markets. The acquisition and restructure of Cargostore Worldwide Trading Limited was originally funded by Agathos Management LLP in December 2016.

BDO Debt Advisory was mandated by Cargostore to deliver a refinancing to provide growth capital to fund capex for new projects. During the process, Agathos Management LLP received an approach from Connection Capital LLP to acquire the business. BDO’s role evolved into providing a staple debt package to support the sell-side process. Subsequently, BDO advised Connection Capital and management on successfully delivering the debt raise. The flexible facility, alongside the backing from Connection, will enable the company to fulfil its growth objectives.

“BDO Debt Advisory’s unwavering commitment and considered advice throughout the transaction were invaluable to the deal. They were able to access a broad pool of potential funders and delivered a flexible facility that exceeded our expectations. We look forward to working with them again in the future.” 

Charles Oakshett, Partner, Agathos Management